I’m launching STEM with Cog’s Episode 13 today. It’s all about how we can reduce waste and increase efficiency to combat climate change. The greenest energy is the energy we don’t use! It’s extremely timely as we wonder how Trump’s presidency will affect work to minimize climate change. Rather than make any forecasts, I’m writing today about how we move through this period with grace and determination. I’ve used as a template, the NY Times editorial by Nicholas Kristof, “My Manifesto for Despairing Democrats.”
My Manifesto for Despairing Environmentalists
1. I accept that the majority of Americans chose Trump to lead the country. My understanding is that many of those voting for him did so because they felt he could help them financially. I get how important it is to provide for your family. It helps me remember to focus on the bright economic opportunities available by replacing fossil fuels with alternative energy sources. I’ll want to focus more on how we're protecting the environment for our children and grandchildren.
2. “I will be a watchdog, not a lapdog.” That’s what Nicholas Kristof said in his piece and I agree. I already subscribe and donate to climate change news providers and organizations working to combat climate change. It’s time for me to start volunteering too. And I will continue share my STEM with Cog videos and curriculum for free in order to educate students, knowing that the students become the teachers of their parents. (Read about this interesting experiment about how climate change education for sixth-graders impacted their parents, especially conservative fathers of daughters.)
3. I will keep my perspective. A new president will not stop business and industry leaders worldwide from working to combat climate change because for them it is an exciting opportunity to build a better future, and because they understand the financial, material, and human risk of not acting. I heard an interesting interview of a Louisiana resident who said that Louisiana will never stop burning fossil fuels. But he accepted their new wind and solar farms because businesses like Dow Chemical cannot sell their products in Europe unless they are guaranteed to have been made using green energy. That’s how inroads are made, until one day we all accept alternative energy as the norm.
4. I will not be afraid to talk about climate change. I know. I keep harping on this. But the best way to combat climate change is to talk about it and especially to listen to others. Katherine Hayhoe suggests that we ask people to share their stories about how the climate is changing in their community. Everyone has a climate story, whether they believe humans are causing climate change or not. Then I will listen carefully. Stories are the best path between two hearts.
5. I will find peace in the beauty around me. For me this means hikes in the mountains or along the beautiful Rio Grande Bosque. It also means taking my Cog dog walking every morning at sunrise, as I’ve always done. The best medicine for me is watching his joyful play and petting his cute, fuzzy fur. I’ll remember what the flight attendants say, “Put your own oxygen mask on first.”